Group exhibition
Group exhibition
PROJECT ROOTS, Installation view
PROJECT ROOTS, Installation view
PROJECT ROOTS, Installation view
PROJECT ROOTS, Installation view
PROJECT ROOTS, Installation view
PROJECT ROOTS, Installation view
Alona Rodeh, The Black Tablets of Commandments, 2014, plywood painted blackboard paint, 120x110x5 cm
Guy Aon, Composing a Portrait no. 2, 2016, mixed media, 57x45 cm
Noa Ironic, Happy Fucking Birthday, 2020, oil on linen, 175x200 cm
Tal Shochat, Johanan and the Rooster, 2010, color print, 90x77 cm
Liat Elbling, Women Who Look Like My Mother, 2021, color photography, 70x50 cm
Roee Rosen, A Jew with a Coin 1, 2018, Gouache on paper, 25x40 cm
Roee Rosen, A Jew with a Coin 2, 2018, Gouache on paper, 25x40 cm
Roee Rosen, A Jew with a Coin 3, 2018, Gouache on paper, 25x40 cm
Roni Landa, Bananas, 2020, Polymer clay and porcelain, 20x20x20 cm
Izabella Volovnik, This Could Be Us But Youre Playin, 2020, oil on canvas, 100x120 cm
Shai Dror, Cold Press, 2017, Pigmented Inkjet Print olive leaves decorative frame, 26x18 cm
Zoya Cherkassky, Hanna Rovina The Dybbuk, 2020, oil on linen, 140x65 cm
Anna Lukashevsky, Moscow Souvenirs Store, 2016, oil on paper mounted on plywood, 70x100 cm
Efrat Hakimi, Hole, 2017, paper collage, 30x23 cm
Shirley Wegner, Stones, 2019, archival pigment print, 46x70 cm
Elad Rosen, The End, 2020, Charcoal on Canvas, 160x150 cm
Boaz Noy, Last Days of School, 2020, oil on linen, 120x120 cm
Olga Kundina, Ice Creem in Zfat, 2015, oil on canvas, 90x130 cm
Zamir Shatz, Halil, 2019, acrylic on canvas, 40x50 cm
Rachel Kainy, Relations, 2019, mixed Media on Paper, 28x30 cm
Efrat Hakimi, Radiator, 2016, paper collage, 36x28 cm
Boaz Arad, Ben Gurion, 2012, iron and cutting board, 125x35x28 cm
Amon Yariv, Night, 2019, color print, 45x35 cm
Karam Natour, Hymn, 2020, silk printed digital drawing, 76x56 cm
Karam Natour, Pain, 2020, silk printed digital drawing, 76x56 cm
Karam Natour, Fingers, 2020, silk printed digital drawing, 76x56 cm
Dorian Gottlieb, Untitled, 2017, Manipulated Photography, 188X150cm
Tamir Zadok, Untitled, Libya ca. 1940, digital print, 115x90 cm
Tamir Zadok, Untitled, Libya ca. 1940, digital print, 115x79 cm