Summer 2011
Group exhibition
Group exhibition
Tal Shochat, Untitled, 2008, color print, 125x220 cm
Tal Shochat, Untitled, 2008, color print, 125x220 cm
Amon Yariv, Day, 2007, photograph, 263x215 cm.
Amon Yariv, Night, 2007, photograph, 263x215 cm.
Efrat Galnoor, Untitled blue, 2009, oil on canvas, 180x180 cm
Efrat Galnoor, untitled Red, 2009, oil on canvas, 180x180 cm
Rachel Kainy, Untitled, 2011, ink and watercolor on paper, 29x47.5 cm
Rachel Kainy, Untitled, 2011, ink and watercolor on paper, 29x47.5 cm
Rachel Kainy, Untitled, 2009, ink and watercolor on paper, 36x48 cm
Boaz Arad, Untitled, 2008, Mixed media, 55x37x18
Shai Zurim, The Tiger and the Spider, 2009, Mixed Media, 220x50x50 cm
Shai Zurim, The Tiger and the Spiderdetail, 2009, Mixed Media
Shai Zurim, Bruce Bruce, 2009, Mixed Media, 138x50x75 cm